Safeguard Your Windows

Up to 1 billion birds die after hitting windows in the U.S. each year, and almost 50% of these hit home windows, this direct mortality is second only to outdoor free-ranging cats.

Birds typically collide with a window during the daytime for one of two reasons:

  1. Either the window is reflecting the surrounding habitat, and birds can’t tell the difference or

  2. The window is transparent, and birds see through it to the other side to something appealing.

With nearly two-thirds of North American birds at risk of extinction, now more than ever we have a responsibility to protect our feathered friends. The most effective changes should be made to the outside of problematic windows. The following products and solutions can prevent daytime collisions as well as seasonal “attacks” by territorial songbirds.

For birds, glass windows are worse than invisible.
By reflecting foliage or sky, they look like inviting places to fly into.

  • CollidEscape Film

    This film is applied to the outside of a window and is about 80% transparent. Homeowners can see out, but it appears opaque to birds. It’s considered 99% effective for solving bird-window collisions. Shop Here.

  • BirdSaver Cords

    BirdSavers cords or “Zen Wind Curtains” in front of the glass have proven to reduce glass collisions to almost zero. BirdSavers consist of 1/8 inch diameter ‘paracord’ hanging approximately four inches apart. More Info.

  • Ultraviolet Decals

    Ultraviolet decals are invisible to people but their ultraviolet colors are seen by birds. Decals are designed to be installed on the exterior of a window and reflect UV sunlight directly to the eyes of birds. Shop Here.

  • Window Markers

    Feather Friendly® window markers are visible to birds and prevent deadly collisions. The markers are placed on the outside of the window and are designed to break up surface reflections without damaging the glass. More Info.


Why Do Birds Attack Windows?

Birds see their own reflection in a window and attack the "intruder" in order to protect their territory. This is known as territorial aggression. Territorial aggression is most common during breeding and nesting seasons.

You can prevent window attacks due to territorial aggression by completely eliminating window reflections with a product designed to prevent territorial aggression.


  1. Bird strikes often occur when birds perceive a LINE OF FLIGHT through one window of your home and out another. This also occurs on buildings with corners made of glass. In these situations, position your decals/window film/cords to block a bird’s perceived line of flight.

  2. Bird strikes may occur when birds see OPEN SKY reflected in your window. This may occur on certain windows or areas of a window based on the time of day or orientation to the sun. Use your decals/window film/cords to break up this reflection of the open sky.

  3. Bird strikes are often a problem near BIRD FEEDERS. Bird feeders should be positioned closer than three feet or farther than 30 feet from your windows. Feeding birds are easily frightened and then take wild, evasive flight. If your feeder is close to the window, birds fly away from the house when frightened. Believe it or not, the safest feeders are window feeders which attach to the window itself.

  4. Bird strikes are a problem with highly reflective windows, windows near bodies of water, and windows near indoor mirrors. These situations may be difficult to remedy. Use Birdsaver cords or window film to cover the windows.