2025 Wheel of the Year: Wiccan & Pagan Holidays
The Wheel of the Year is a complex and intricate system encompassing various sacred days, rituals, and celebrations. Between Sabbats, Esbats, moon phases, and other significant dates for ancestors and deities, keeping up with this wheel can be overwhelming. With a multitude of deities and pantheons to honor, some faiths even have multiple holidays for each.
The Wheel of the Year consists of eight Sabbats or seasonal festivals that mark the changing seasons. These include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas/Lughnasadh, and Mabon. Each Sabbat has its own unique significance and rituals associated with it.
In addition to the Sabbats are Esbats or monthly lunar rituals that focus on the phases of the moon. Certain moon phases hold specific energies or powers which can be harnessed through ritual practices.
Finally, there are sacred days dedicated to honoring ancestors and deities. These may vary depending on one's chosen pantheon or personal beliefs. Some faiths have multiple holidays for each deity or pantheon they follow.
Keeping track of sacred days can feel overwhelming at first, but embracing these celebrations brings profound joy. They offer a chance to deepen our connection with nature and align with our spiritual journey.
Though understanding the intricacies of the Wheel of the Year, its holidays, and rituals may take time, it reveals a rich tapestry of tradition—one that fosters growth, honors ancestors, and pays reverence to deities.
This comprehensive list is designed to keep you informed and prepared for the events you may wish to celebrate in 2025, helping you navigate these sacred moments with ease and intention.
January 2025
January is a time of new beginnings—a month full of endless possibilities. It invites us to refresh, renew, and realign with our true selves. Whether it’s nurturing our bodies, minds, or spirits, January offers the space to shed what no longer serves us and step into a new chapter with strength and clarity.
This is your time to embrace transformation, let go of limiting beliefs, and unlock your full potential. Let this month be the spark that ignites positive change in your life, as you move forward with an open heart and a fearless spirit.
January 6: Triple Goddess Day – celebrates the Goddess in Her triplicate form, representing the three main stages of life: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. This day honors her wisdom, nurturing energy, and transformative power across all phases of existence.
January 13-14: Full Wolf Moon in Cancer—a powerful time to focus on emotional healing and nurturing our connections with loved ones. This is a time for self-care, compassion, and creating a sense of emotional safety and belonging.
January 14: Thorrablot—Norse/Heathen festival honoring Thor, the God of Thunder.
January 18: Day of Danu, Celtic Mother Goddess—celebration of the Great Goddess who shows the way.
January 21: Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins
January 29: New Moon in Aquarius—a perfect time to set intentions focused on innovation and fostering community connections.
January 31: Disablot—a Norse celebration that marks the beginning of a new season, honoring new beginnings and fresh starts. Traditionally, this festival was dedicated to the female deities and spirits, seeking their blessings for prosperity, fertility, and protection in the coming year. It’s a time to reflect on the cycles of life, release the old, and invite new opportunities and growth into our lives.
February 2025
As the cold winter winds begin to soften and the days grow longer, February invites us into a season of transformation. It's a time of transition, where we say goodbye to the stillness of winter and begin to welcome the fresh energy of spring.
Just as the earth shifts beneath our feet, this month encourages us to reflect on our own personal growth. Now is the perfect time to shed old layers and prepare for renewal. Whether it’s a shift in mindset, embracing new habits, or reawakening our passions, February offers us the space to bloom from within.
February 1-2: Imbolc (High Winter) —a festival honoring the Goddess Brigid, symbolizing purification and the gradual return of light. (Southern Hemisphere: Lammas or Lughnasadh – The grain harvest)
February 2: Candlemas—a Christian observance marking the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, often associated with the blessing of candles.
February 12: Full Snow Moon in Leo—focus on organization, health, and service.
February 14: Valentine’s Day—a day dedicated to love and affection between intimate partners.
February 15: Lupercalia—an ancient Roman festival celebrating purification and fertility.
February 18: Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins, symbolizing growth and connection.
February 28: The New Moon in Pisces is a time for reflection, creativity, and connection. This phase invites us to dream big, trust our intuition, and seek solutions that inspire collective growth. It's an opportunity to set intentions that nurture both personal fulfillment and the well-being of the world around us.
February 28: Cake Day—a special day to offer cakes to the deities and light candles in honor of our ancestors, celebrating their presence and the wisdom they’ve passed down.
March 2025
March marks a beautiful transition from darkness into light, bringing with it a renewed sense of hope and optimism for what lies ahead. This month invites us to embrace its energy and channel it into meaningful actions—whether it's spring cleaning, nurturing a garden, or diving into creative endeavors. As we clear the old and make space for the new, we set the stage for personal growth and fulfillment, welcoming the fresh possibilities of spring with open hearts.
March 1: Matronalia—an ancient Roman festival dedicated to Juno, the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
March 8: International Women’s Day—a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
March 13: Full Worm Moon in Virgo —focus on balance, relationships, and harmony.
March 14: Total Lunar Eclipse—visible in Europe, much of Asia, much of Australia, much of Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica.
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day—celebrating the patron saint of Ireland.
March 18: Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins, symbolizing strength and determination.
March 20: Ostara (Spring Equinox)—a celebration of balance, fertility, and the renewal of life (Southern Hemisphere: Mabon – The Autumn Equinox)
March 25: Lady Day—a deeply meaningful occasion that celebrates the Crone aspect of the Goddess. This day symbolizes wisdom, transformation, and the natural cycles of life, embodying the profound themes of growth and renewal.
March 29: New Moon in Aries—a time to tap into intuition, develop psychic abilities, and explore the mystical aspects of life.
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse—visible in Europe, northern Asia, northwestern Africa, much of North America, northern South America, Atlantic, and Arctic regions.
April 2025
April marks a season of renewal and rebirth, as the earth stirs from its winter sleep. Nature awakens, adorning the world with the vibrant blooms of spring and infusing the landscape with life and color. This season’s beauty and vitality serve as a poignant reminder of the divine feminine energy that flows through every facet of existence.
April 1: Fool’s Day—celebrates the energy of chaos, embracing spontaneity and the unexpected.
April 13: Full Pink Moon in Libra—focus on transformation and deep emotional healing.
April 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins, symbolizing flexibility and resilience.
April 15: Sigrblot/Sumarsdag—Norse celebration marking the first day of summer in Scandinavian countries.
April 22: Earth Day—a day to honor Gaia, the personification of Earth, and promote environmental awareness.
April 23: Festival of the Greenman—celebrating deities of the forest and the renewal of nature.
April 25: Floralia/Spring Festival—a union of the Horned God and the Goddess of Spring, celebrating fertility and the blooming of flowers.
April 27: New Moon in Taurus—a moment to engage in creative meditation, release negativity, assess emotions, and practice shadow work while manifesting positive outcomes.
April 30: May Eve or Rhiannon’s Day—a celebration dedicated to the Welsh goddess Rhiannon, who is closely associated with fertility, the moon, and the power of transformation. This day honors her connection to life, renewal, and the cycles of nature.
April 30: Walpurgisnacht—an annual gathering of witches, practitioners, and covens, steeped in tradition and mysticism, celebrating the arrival of spring. This night, often marked by bonfires, rituals, and communal festivities, honors the changing of the seasons and the renewal of life, blending ancient folklore with modern spiritual practices.
May 2025
May ushers in a sense of joy and anticipation, as winter’s chill gives way to longer, sunlit days. It’s a time to embrace the warmth and vibrancy life has to offer. Surrounded by the blossoming beauty of nature, we gather with a renewed spirit, reminded that life continues to thrive in all its splendor.
May 1: Beltane (High Spring)—an ancient pagan festival of fire celebrating the divine union of the God and Goddess. (Southern Hemisphere: Samhain – the Witches’ New Year)
May 11: Mother’s Day (US observance)—a day to honor and appreciate mothers and mother figures.
May 12: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio—invites us to embrace growth, seek adventure, and broaden our horizons. This transformative lunar phase encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us, dive deep into our emotions, and welcome new opportunities with open arms. It's a time to reflect, recharge, and step boldly into the next chapter of our journey.
May 13: Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins, symbolizing love and protection.
May 15: Buddha Day—a day set aside by Buddhists to celebrate the birth of Buddha.
May 27: New Moon in Gemini—invites you to pause and reflect on your personal space, belongings, and what truly makes a house feel like home. Consider how your environment supports your needs and well-being, and take intentional steps to transform your living space into a sanctuary that reflects who you are.
May 28: The Feast of Bendidia—a vibrant and lively celebration dedicated to Bendis, the Thracian goddess of the moon, the underworld, and nature. This ancient festival was marked by joyous rituals, processions, and offerings, honoring the goddess's connection to both celestial and earthly realms.
August 2025
August is the perfect time to reap the rewards of our hard work over the past year. It’s an opportunity to pause, reflect on our achievements, and appreciate the progress we’ve made. This reflection not only brings a sense of fulfillment but also inspires us to set new goals for the future.
August 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh (First Harvest)—celebrating the year’s first grain harvest (Southern Hemisphere: Imbolc – High Winter)
August 5: Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins, symbolizing wisdom and inspiration.
August 9: The Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius is here, bringing a powerful energy to focus on innovation, community, and humanitarian efforts. This is the perfect time to think outside the box, connect with like-minded individuals, and work towards making a positive impact on the world around you. Let this moon inspire you to embrace creativity and collaboration while staying true to your unique vision.
August 21: Festival of Hecate—a sacred celebration honoring the goddess Hecate, guardian of crossroads, magic, and the unseen. This festival invokes her blessings and protection over the harvest, ensuring abundance and safety for the season ahead. Offerings are made, candles are lit, and rituals performed to seek her guidance and strength.
August 23: New Moon in Virgo—a perfect opportunity to focus on self-growth, build your self-confidence, and tap into your creativity. This celestial event encourages you to ground yourself, trust in your abilities, and take practical steps toward your goals. It’s an ideal time to consider pursuing a dream that has previously felt intimidating or out of reach. With Virgo’s energy supporting attention to detail and perseverance, you might find yourself more capable than ever of turning aspirations into reality. Take a moment to reflect, plan, and move forward with purpose.
August 23: Vulcanalia was a Roman festival honoring Vulcan, the god of fire, along with other fire-related deities. It was celebrated as a safeguard against destructive blazes.
November 2025
As November unfolds, let us embrace the beauty of each day and treasure the gifts life has granted us. With gratitude warming our hearts, we can navigate the colder months ahead with appreciation and hope. During this season of gratitude, let us take a moment to reflect on the many blessings in our lives.
November 1: Cailleach’s Reign—Day of the Banshees: A chilling tale of ancient power and haunting cries that echo through the mist, marking the rise of the Celtic goddess and her spectral heralds.
November 5: Super Full Beaver Moon in Taurus—Symbolizing preparation and diligence, this full moon invites grounding and the fortification of personal foundations. It’s a time to focus on stability, reflect on your priorities, and build on what truly matters. Known for its connection to hard work and perseverance, this lunar phase encourages us to prepare for the future by laying strong foundations in both our personal and professional lives. Let this moon be a reminder to slow down, appreciate the process, and nurture the things that bring lasting value.
November 16: Night of Hecate—A sacred evening dedicated to the goddess Hecate, honoring her wisdom, protection, and guidance through life’s transitions. This ritual night celebrates her as the keeper of crossroads, the guardian of hidden knowledge, and the light bearer in times of uncertainty. A time for reflection, offerings, and seeking her blessings for strength and clarity on your journey.
November 20: New Moon in Scorpio—A potent time for deep introspection and shadow work. This phase invites you to dive beneath the surface, confronting hidden emotions and bringing buried truths to light. It’s an opportunity to reflect on old wounds, examine negative patterns, and begin the process of transformation. Scorpio's energy empowers you to let go of what no longer serves you, paving the way for renewal and personal growth. Embrace this time to set meaningful intentions and focus on inner healing.
November 22: Night of Shiva—an important observance dedicated to Lord Shiva, the deity of destruction and transformation. This night emphasizes themes of destruction, rebirth, and renewal, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life. Devotees honor Shiva through prayers, fasting, meditation, and chanting, seeking spiritual growth and inner peace.
November 25: Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins—The Elder tree symbolizes the end and beginning of cycles, making it a fitting time for reflection and renewal.
November 29: Feast of Hathor—A vibrant celebration dedicated to Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, and joy. This festival often included music, dancing, and offerings to honor her role as a nurturer and protector, bringing happiness and harmony to people's lives.
June 2025
June offers a unique opportunity to connect with solar deities and channel their vibrant energy to inspire lasting transformation. As the height of the summer season, this is the perfect time to embrace the sun's power, seize the moment, and embark on a journey of personal growth and fulfillment.
June 10: Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins, symbolizing strength and endurance.
June 11: Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius— invites you to channel your energy into ambition, discipline, and the pursuit of long-term goals.
June 15: Father’s Day—a day to honor and appreciate fathers and father figures.
June 20-21: Litha (Summer Solstice)—celebration of the longest day of the year, marking the peak of solar energy (midsummer) and the beginning of the sun’s gradual decline. (Southern Hemisphere: Yule – The Winter Solstice)
June 23: Day of the Lady & Lord of the Sidhe—a sacred time to honor the Fae and the otherworldly aspects of the divine. This day invites us to connect with the magical and mysterious energies of the Sidhe, celebrating their presence in nature and their role as guardians of the unseen realms. It is a moment to reflect on the balance between the earthly and ethereal, and to offer gratitude for the enchantment they bring into our world.
June 24: Day of Household Deities—a special occasion to cleanse, refresh, and rededicate altars or household shrines, paying tribute to the protective spirits that guard and bless the home. This day is a time for reflection, gratitude, and renewal, as families come together to honor these deities through offerings, prayers, and rituals, ensuring continued harmony and protection within their living spaces.
June 25: New Moon in Cancer—a time to reflect on communication and social skills. Engage in active listening and consider journaling to explore personal growth
September 2025
September ushers in the autumn equinox, a moment when day and night stand in perfect balance, marking the arrival of fall. As the vivid colors of summer give way to a rich palette of reds, oranges, and yellows, we are reminded of life's own seasons. It is a time to pause, reflect, and connect, contemplating the fleeting nature of our existence.
September 2: Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins, symbolizing harvest and introspection.
September 7: Harvest Moon in Pisces—a powerful time to reflect, celebrate abundance, and embrace spiritual insight. This full moon invites us to tune into our intuition, let go of what no longer serves us, and open our hearts to new possibilities.It’s the perfect time to balance practicality and dreams, meeting both our material and emotional needs.
September 7: Total Lunar Eclipse—visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, western North America, eastern South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, and Antarctica.
September 13: Fire Lighting Ceremony—a serene, candle-lit vigil held to honor and remember the spirits of the deceased. This heartfelt tradition brings communities together in a moment of reflection, paying tribute to loved ones who have passed while fostering a sense of connection and peace.
September 21-22: Mabon (Autumnal Equinox)—marks a period of balance and gratitude for the harvest. (Southern Hemisphere: Ostara – the Spring Equinox)
September 21: New Moon in Virgo—focus on self-improvement, establish routines, and engage in shadow work to address personal growth areas.
September 21: Partial Solar Eclipse—visible in New Zealand and parts of Antarctica.
September 21: Feast of the Guardian Spirits—a vibrant celebration dedicated to honoring the spirit guides who protect and support us. This special occasion unites communities to give thanks, share stories, and strengthen connections with the spiritual realm.
September 30: Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins, representing resilience and determination.
December 2025
December marks the end of another year, a time to reflect on our journey. It’s a season to celebrate the highs, learn from the challenges, and embrace gratitude for what has shaped us. This month is about togetherness, whether savoring quiet moments or enjoying time with loved ones. Celebrate the holidays, create memories, and bid farewell to the year with gratitude and hope.
December 5: Super Full Cold Moon in Gemini— rises in the sign of Gemini, bringing heightened energy and a focus on communication and adaptability. It’s the perfect time to reflect, connect, and embrace curiosity as the year comes to a close.
December 17–23: Saturnalia—the ancient Roman festival honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture and wealth, was celebrated with days of feasting, gift-giving, and joyful role reversals. Taking place in December, it marked a time of merriment where societal norms were temporarily upended, with slaves dining as equals with their masters and public festivities filling the streets.
December 20: New Moon in Sagittarius – a time to embrace courage, understanding, and heightened awareness. This is the perfect opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and take a leap of faith towards your goals. Spend time meditating in nature to ground yourself and connect with your inner wisdom. Whether it’s through travel, meaningful conversations, or learning something new, this New Moon invites you to expand your mind and spirit.
December 21: Yule (Winter Solstice) – a Winter festival celebrating the return of light after a long period of darkness.
December 23: Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins
December 24: Holly Eve—a magical night when the Holly King, the ancient symbol of winter and renewal, departs after his reign. In his farewell, he leaves behind gifts for children, spreading joy and marking the transition toward the lighter days to come.
December 25: Christmas Day
December 25: Oak Day—a celebration marking the birth of the Oak King, a powerful figure symbolizing strength, growth, and renewal. This day represents the return of light and the promise of new life as the days begin to grow longer after the darkest part of the year. Traditionally, it is a time to honor nature's cycles and welcome the rebirth of energy and hope for the seasons ahead.
December 31: Hogmanay – New Year’s Eve; a time steeped in Scottish tradition, where the Crone, symbolizing the old year, prepares to depart and make way for the new. This marks a moment of reflection on the past and anticipation for the future, as people gather to celebrate endings, fresh beginnings, and the hope that the coming year brings. Festivities often include fireworks, singing "Auld Lang Syne," and the tradition of first-footing, where the first visitor of the new year is believed to bring good fortune.
July 2025
July offers a perfect opportunity for introspection. With its long days and brief nights, we’re gifted more time to reflect on our blessings and delve into our thoughts. The gentle summer breeze brings a sense of calm, encouraging us to pause and savor the beauty that surrounds us.
July 1: Crone Day—a celebration honoring the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, representing wisdom, transformation, and the natural cycles of life. The Crone embodies the deep knowledge gained through experience, guiding us to embrace endings as necessary for new beginnings. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of aging, intuition, and the eternal rhythm of life, death, and rebirth.
July 8: Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins, representing protection and strength.
July 10: The Full Buck Moon in Capricorn is here, bringing energy centered on ambition, discipline, and achieving long-term goals. This is the perfect time to focus on your career, plan for the future, and take practical steps toward your dreams. Capricorn’s grounding influence encourages hard work and perseverance, reminding you that success comes from dedication and patience. Use this lunar phase to reflect on your progress and set clear intentions for the path ahead.
July 21: Witch’s Day—a special day to celebrate the craft in all its forms, honoring the rich history, diverse practices, and unique traditions within witchcraft. It’s a time to recognize the wisdom, creativity, and power of those who embrace the craft, whether through spellwork, herbalism, divination, or other mystical arts.
July 24: New Moon in Leo—presents a perfect opportunity for introspection and shadow work. It’s a time to embrace your vulnerabilities, reflect on your deepest desires, and draw wisdom from past experiences.
October 2025
October reminds us that darkness isn’t inherently negative; instead, it offers a chance for growth and deeper understanding. This month invites us to embrace shadow work, a practice of facing our deepest fears, past traumas, and unresolved emotions with courage and compassion.
October 2: The Annular Solar Eclipse, also known as the “ring of fire,” will be visible from regions of the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile, Argentina, and Antarctica. This remarkable celestial event symbolizes transformation and new beginnings, providing a unique moment for reflection and renewal.
October 3: The Festival of Bacchus—a Roman celebration dedicated to the god of wine and vegetation, symbolizing the joy of harvest and the spirit of festivity.
October 7: The Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries is here—a powerful time to harness bold and assertive energy to chase your goals and embrace transformative change. Aries, known for its fiery and determined nature, encourages you to take action, trust your instincts, and step into new opportunities with confidence. Use this energy to reflect on what you truly want, release what no longer serves you, and make courageous moves toward the life you envision.
October 18: Great Horn Festival—a vibrant and enchanting celebration that honors the Horned God and the Lady of the Wood, deities deeply connected to nature's cycles and the themes of fertility and renewal. This festival brings together rituals, music, dance, and community gatherings, all designed to celebrate the changing seasons, the abundance of the earth, and the sacred balance between masculine and feminine energies.
October 21: New Moon in Libra—a perfect opportunity to focus on balance, harmony, and renewal in your relationships. This cosmic phase encourages reflection and intentionality, making it an ideal time to assess how you give and receive in your connections. Engage in shadow work to uncover patterns that may hinder deeper understanding, and use this energy to enhance empathy, communication, and grace in your interactions.
October 28: Celtic Tree Month of Reed begins—symbolizing adaptability and resilience, encouraging reflection on personal growth.
October 31: Samhain (High Autumn)—a Sabbat marking the thinning veil between worlds, ideal for ancestor veneration and introspection. (Southern Hemisphere: Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility)
October 31: Winter Nights/Vetrablot—an ancient Norse celebration marking the transition into winter, traditionally held in late October. This festival was dedicated to honoring deities, such as Freyja or Odin, and ancestors, seeking their blessings for protection, prosperity, and a bountiful harvest to sustain the community through the harsh winter months. It was a time of feasting, rituals, and offerings to ensure survival and strengthen the bond between the living and the spiritual world.