Membership Sign Up

  • Our Mystic Brews & Literary Views book club limits its membership to six women to maintain an intimate setting.

  • This informal book club is a blend of casual, intimate, and thought-provoking conversations.

  • Book club gatherings last 2 1/2 hours. Plan 30 minutes for food, tea, and catching up with friends, an hour for a more structured discussion, and the final 30 minutes for more informal discussion and socializing.

  • Our ground rules:

    • Agree to disagree. Be gracious! There is no one way to experience or interpret a book. In fact, differing opinions are good.

    • Our structured discussion time is limited to the book.

    • Please don’t dominate the conversation.

  • Members are encouraged to bring light nibbles inspired by the book, although this is not required.

  • Certain months will feature celebrations or themes aligned with holidays, including Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Yule, and Wheel of the Year observances.

  • We warmly invite you to support our monthly gatherings with a donation of $10, or whatever you can comfortably contribute, to help us cover the costs of tea, food, and the special touches we plan for each gathering. You have the flexibility to donate $120 annually or opt for monthly contributions.