“Horses can help us reconnect with others and the universe itself, rediscover peace and mindfulness, and become our best selves."

— Allan J. Hamilton, MD (author of Zen Mind, Zen Horse)

Immerse your soul in the healing presence of horses and allow their tranquil energy to guide you toward inner peace and clarity. Each moment spent with these majestic creatures is a personal retreat into a hallowed space — one that cherishes your solitary reflection and beckons your innermost wisdom and intuition to surface gently. Together, amidst the harmony of a horse herd, we traverse into the realm of unlimited possibilities within ourselves.

The ethereal beauty and spirit of horses resonate with us deeply, stirring within the core attributes of freedom, courage, power, and an open heart. By nurturing a bond with these sentient beings, heart to heart, we begin to witness our current essence and, from there, cultivate the growth necessary to pursue novel avenues of life. Together with nature and these noble companions, we are shown the path to transcend our known reality and awaken to a higher consciousness, united with the broader essence of all living things.

Horses cradle our hearts, offering us a mirror to their noble spirit and allowing us to engage with their sincere, intuitive communication. They call to us, inviting us to descend into our hearts and connect with the timeless wisdom that lives within; they draw out our unity with nature. Mystical in their earthly form, horses serve as unparalleled mentors in harmonizing our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional selves.

This is an invocation to presence, to reflection, to a sacred engagement with horses as only they can facilitate. It is a special invitation for you to explore, heal, and grow — for in the presence of these compassionate equine guides, you can discover the profound heart-to-heart connection and spiritual rejuvenation you seek.

Discover Yourself in Nature & Let the Horse Be Your Guide

About Our Forest Bathing Walks: Finding the Peace of Presence Among Horses

Finding moments of peace and tranquility can be a challenge. However, there is a place where you can expect just that - a sanctuary where quiet, reflective time is encouraged and the wonders of nature unfold before your eyes. This sacred space offers an opportunity for self-discovery and connection with the natural world.

Join us on a guided, quiet forest bathing walk surrounded by the peaceful presence of horses—this is a time to open yourself up to the mystery, the wonders, and the spirituality of our natural world.

Forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku in Japanese culture, is a practice that involves immersing oneself in the healing atmosphere of the forest. It allows us to slow down, quiet our minds, and fully engage with our surroundings. By doing so, we can experience a sense of peace and tranquility often elusive in our daily lives. All the prompts, invitations, and sharing are open-ended and open to interpretation.

The horses themselves serve as guides on this journey. Their gentle presence transports us to a place of pure potentiality within ourselves. They teach us about embodied presence, reminding us to live in the present moment and embrace the power of now.

This unique experience offers an escape from the chaos of everyday life into a tranquil sanctuary where quiet reflection is encouraged. Through journaling prompts and guided forest bathing walks in the presence of horses (without physical interaction), participants can explore their senses in this sacred environment. This experience provides an opportunity for women to connect with themselves while surrounded by the beauty and sacredness of Mother Nature.

About Our Sacred
Horse Wisdom Circles

Experience evenings of guided, mindful meditation, connecting with our heart and body, and opening to receive wisdom in a shared sacred space with the horses. It is an opportunity like no other. Meditating with horses allows for a unique experience of relaxation and connection that can't be found anywhere else.

We offer this safe and sacred space where you can truly be yourself. This is a place where you can connect with like-minded women and explore the depths of your own emotions and feelings.

During these gatherings, you can expect quiet reflective time, journaling, guided meditation, connection with incredible women, and rituals to help release any aspects of your life that no longer serve your highest vision. The horses present during these meditations are free to visit, touch or simply hold space for participants from a distance.

No experience is necessary to join these circles. All you need is an open mind and heart to embrace the experience fully. You will be guided through mindful practices and meditations with the horses present to support you along the way.

At the end of each gathering, there will be time for sharing thoughts and exploring the connections made with the horses. This is an opportunity for deep reflection and personal growth in a supportive community of women.

These Sacred Horse Wisdom Circles are open to 10 women who are ready to dive deep into their own hearts and minds while connecting with the gentle presence of these magnificent animals.


Our sessions are designed to guide you through this profound experience with our equine partners. Each session lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours, allowing ample time for both individual and group interactions with the horses, fostering a deep connection and immersive learning.

Schedule: Sessions are held throughout the year, and are limited to no more than eight women.

Preparation: No prior horse experience is required. We encourage participants to dress comfortably and suitably for outdoor activities, with closed-toe shoes being essential.

Safety: Participant safety and the well-being of our horses are our top priorities. All interactions are guided by experienced facilitators, ensuring a safe, respectful, and enriching experience for both you and the horses.

Photos From Our Partnership High Hopes Therapeutic Riding Center 2023

Be thankful for your life, spend time in nature, breathe deeply, let go of your worries,
forgive yourself and others, and build your life around what you love.